Thursday, May 02, 2013

Revoltech Yamaguchi Review: EVA-01 New Movie Edition Awakening Ver.

Hey guys!

I apologize for a late post.. As usual, work has been occupying most of my time. Even in my day offs, I barely have time for myself D:

Anyway, it's 12:28 AM right now in my place but I'll finish this review before I sleep :D

So......... Here's the continuation of my "Revoltech Fever".

 If you haven't seen the first post, click here:

If you're done with that, lets continue!

I present to you one of the most bad ass mech's in the Mecha universe. Eva unit-01. The main character of the Evangelion series. But this one is in it's Awakening version.

You can only see this guy in action in Part 2 of the Rebuil of Eva movie series. He is one bad ass motherf*cker. He has one of the most memorable scene in the entire movie. Don't wanna spoil much so let's get on with the review!


Here's the front of the box. It's not one of those "book type" boxes but it still looks good. You can see various info on the sides and it has that promotional sleeve which is tattered already when I bought it.

here's the back side showing most of its poseability and gimmicks. Also shows what accessories you will get.

Here's the side of the box. Like with every figure, it shows the character. It's nice to store the boxes like this, makes it look like a book.


As with all revoltech figures, they're very protected with various plastics sandwiched in the sensitive joints and pieces. I already removed them in this shot. 

Here's the fun thing with Eva figures, you get a load of accessories. Down side is, you're not really gonna use all of them all the time so just be careful not loose them.

You get the standard box for storing the small parts and the revoltech coin which you can collect in exchange for prizes.. That's if you live in japan -_-


Here's the orange box. You'll only get this with the newer revoltech figures. Perfect for storing those optional hand parts.

The Eva's umbilical cord. All Evangelion units have this, dunno about Unit-06.

You will also get another head. The one on the left is the default one and shows a more angry expression with the eyes bulging while the one on the right is the standard head for Unit-01.

You will also an extra arm for Unit-01 so you can depict his normal appearance.

Aside from the extra arm, you will also get a severed arm. The detail is just superb with this one, you can even see the bone. Talk about gore :3

I didn't expect the pallet rifle to be included since his going berserk. But yeah, it's a nice addition, I wish they included the knife too. I still plan to buy the standard Unit-01 so by that time I now have 2 pallet rifles >:D

This rifle is thin so careful not bend it because it looks like it would break easily.

His shades... I mean his laser eye effect part. His eyes did shine like this in the movie before he fired his lasers. Nice representation :3 This can only be attached with the default head and not the extra head.

You get 3 optional parts for the spirit arm. It's enough since the spirit arm doesn't really hold weapons.

Just like other revoltech eva figures, you get a load of optional hands good for a variety of posing. It's hard to run out of posing ideas. I had so many poses in mind but I didn't have enough time to take a picture of it all.

The hands doesn't you revoltech joints.. I find that bad because they're pretty much flat on the tip of the arm and that makes it hard to do dynamic hand poses.

My favorite accessory, the halo. I still don't get why they get halos. I know they're "angels" and all but this is taking it literally. It does look bad ass.

Like most revoltech figures in the Yamaguchi line, you get a display stand. If it's a big figure, it's usually this long, with two joints. Otherwise, it's the small one.


Here's the Awakening version. Pretty bad ass, I love the detail of the spirit arm. That Halo brings out most of the bad-assery.

Here he is with his severed arm. Still look bad ass. 

Here he is in his standard version. Looks boring XD I wish the orange trims are glow in the dark like
the regular unit-01 whose green trims glow in awesomeness. 

This figure is nicely detailed, the colors are glossy and all the details and trims are properly done. Even the mouth has nice paint apps.


As expected from a revoltech figure, it has a sh!t load of articulation. That could be a bad thing at times. My only complaint is that the toes are too floppy. I dunno if that's the case with all the figures or its just quality control issue.. Other than that, this figure can do some awesome posing, like the one in the pic. 

Eva figures have a lot of articulation, the torso alone has a lot of bends to it. I also noticed that the legs can't rotate 360 degrees like my Unit-03 figure. It's nothing major.

Another difference is that the shoulder binders are attached to the torso and not the actual shoulders of the figure. I find it better this way because It doesn't get in the way too much when you move the arms.

The legs are also double jointed which I find more annoying because they're hard to position to make him stand properly.


I can still make more poses but that will consume most of this review so I just selected the good ones. It's awesome that you have 3 arms to choose from so from there alone, you can already do tons of poses perfect for different scenarios. 

As I said about the double jointed legs, they're difficult to maneuver but with a little patience you can make them look good, you just need to angle them properly. 

I do wish the toes are more stiff for more stable posing. They do lock in place if pushed all the way but in default, they tend to flop at times.

The Spear of Longinus comes from my Fraulein Revoltech Ayanami Rei whose review you can also view here:

It's awesome that the spear is perfectly in scale with this figure.


He looks so small compared to others except for the SD Gundam. In reality, Eva units tower over gundams.

If you haven't seen the reviews of the figures in the pic, click here:

HG 1/144 Sazabi:

MG 1/100 Freedom Gundam:

TF Generations Thundercracker:

SD RX-78-2:

Here's a comparison with a fellow Eva unit. Pretty much the same height but different color schemes. Unit-03 looks more sleeker for me.. I dunno if it's a new mold. Maybe I should get an old Eva unit just to make a more comprehensive comparion.. Maybe Unit-00... who knows :3

You can view Unit-03's review here:

All that's left is the verdict so let's summarize our info.


Articulation 8/10 - It has a lot of articulation and stiff joints but it kinda disappointed me in 3 areas. First are the hands, they don't use revoltech joints so they look weird when you rotate them in place. Second are the toes... Too floppy make the figure unstable at times. Third is the double jointed knees.. Kind hard to maneuver and adding more difficulty in making the figure stand. Other than that, it's all good.

Parts 8/10 - The quality of plastic used is nice, all the parts feel sturdy. The revoltech joints really help lock the parts in place so you can do more awesome poses. I just find the hip joints a little loose. Not much but it still counts. All of the good things are in the upper half of the body, the lower half pretty much disappointed me

Accessories 9/10 - It's all good, you get a lot of them. I wish they included an AT-field  or more effect parts for the spirit arm. Look for Robot Damashii's version, you'll know what I mean. Other than, you get more than enough to do a variety of poses.

Detail: 10/10 - The detailing is just superb. It's pretty accurate to the movie, I just wish it glows in the dark.. The head has a lot of intricate detailing. The sculp is amazing, the figure has nice proportions.

All the tiny trims and markings are nicely done especially for the spirit arm. That has a lot of awesome detail work.

Verdict 8/10 - It's a great figure, if you can overlook the flaws, it's a nice buy. If you want a more stable figure get the Robot Damashii version. I got this because I love Evangelion and I'm more into Revoltechs than Robot Damashii's. I started with Revoltech so I'll get all the Eva units in Revoltech form. 

Maybe I'll buy 1 RD figure just to see and compare but I'd go Revoltech all the way. Besides Revoltech, there are a lot of companies that makes nice Eva figures, Soul of Chogokin, Medicom, Bandai, to name a few but I'm settled with Revoltech.

I'd recommend this figure is you really love collecting Evangelion and mecha related stuff.

There you have it, I hope this review helped you in deciding if you plan to get this figure. 

Oh yeah, here's a friendly reminder from Unit-01:

Never drive when you know you drank too much.

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