Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Revoltech Review: Fraulein Revoltech Ayanami Rei

Hey Guys!

I'm sorry that I'm not posting as often as before. I'm always night shift so I'm pretty much tired as hell every night XD 

Luckily, it's my day off today so I decided to finish a figure review :D

I present to you Ayanami Rei in revoltech form :D As usual, I got this awesome item from my favorite hobby shop: Great Toys Online :D This version is based from the original animation of the series, before the Rebuild series. 

For the uninitiated, Rei is a one of the most famous chfaracters in the anime world. She is often depicted as someone who is very fragile, quiet and anti-social. She is usually the first person you'll see in any Evangelion merchandise aside from Asuka or any of the Eva units. 

She comes from the series "Neon Genesis Evangelion". If you don't know that, well sucks to be you. But seriously, it's one of the anime's that you need to see not because it has a lot of sexy ladies but because of the story and characters. That show is very controversial as well.

I don't wanna discuss the entirety of Evangelion because that would take too much time and besides you can do your own researching :3

Let's start!


Very simple box art. She looks like she's in stasis or in a sealed chamber. Yeah, that extra head looks weird if you see it like this XD

At the foot of the box you can see her name and various info about this figure.

Back side shows the poses you can do. Most of them makes her look really weak D:

Right side of the box shows a whole shot of Rei with the Spear of Longinus with the company's name at the back.

Left side of the box shows how the revoltech system works and what articulation you can expect from this line.

Bottom side shows more various info in japanese. 


Here she is, in her black plastic bed. She looks peaceful but that other head might creep you out XD She also gets a stand but it's at the back and we'll get to that later.


First up is the Spear of Longinus. It's a powerful spear that can instantly kill the "Angels" they fight in the show. There's only one of this in the world and they're using it to pin down the first "Angel" that appeared on earth to stop it from creating more chaos.

I think this is a copy because the original one is red and that's the one pinning down the "Angel" back at their base. 

You get 3 optional hands. One relaxed hand, one closed hand and one stretched out hand. The default one is the holding hand for the spear which is already attached to the figure.

You get an extra head, with her eye open. It has a neutral expression like she usually shows. The default head has her eye closed.

The display stand comes in 4 parts. the base with here name, the pole, the double revoltech joint and the hook to hold her.

I love the design of the base, it shows her name and all. It's perfect for displaying.

here's the entire display stand. Looks really good even if it's plain white. Simple but elegant.

Let's take a look at the figure itself.


This figure is sculpted by Enoki Tomohide. This figure is amazingly sculpted. You can see a lot of detail for such a simple figure. Her hair has nice separations, her body proportions is accurate, those bandages look realistic and her plug suit is nicely detailed.

This figure looks awesome and it looks like she came out of the show. The colors are accurate especially for her hair.


Pretty much all of the necessary articulations can be found in this figure. The only major downside is that when you bend her back or thighs too far, you can see gaps which looks weird in some angles but if you can hide them, you can make a lot of good poses :D

The legs can only bend forward and a little side to side which is kinda limiting but if you can look past it, it's still a decent figure.

Also, I noticed that her body is sculpted this way to accommodate some of the articulation. I just find it weird that her legs aren't the same height or maybe they made it that way so she would look like she's limping or something because you need to angle her right leg at times. But yeah, it adds realism to her poses in terms of appearance. 

Now for some comparisons.


Here's a size comparison with a Figma Mikuru from the anime series "Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya". This figure is owned by my sister and pretty much just asked her permission to do a size comparison. LOL! Maybe I can review it someday :))

You can see here what I meant by "limping". You need to angle that right leg most of the time if you want her to stand. If not, use the stand XD

A size comparison with my various figures whose reviews you can also find here :D She looks good next to an Eva Unit. I'm thinking of getting her original Eva Unit, the blue one.. If not, I'll settle with the movie version, the yellow one. She really stands out because she's not mecha XD

Eva Unit-03:

SD RX-78-2:

Henkei Rodimus Prime: 

MG 1/100 Freedom Gundam: 

Now for some posing!


The only time I used the open palm. I can't think of any other poses with it XD

See what I mean? I pretty much did this pose for fun. Kamehameha?

Fraulein figures have angled bodies so their asses can be emphasized. LOL!

Dramatic pose 1. Simple but shows a lot of emotion. eh?

Dramatic pose 2. Shows her sleeping or unconscious from all the injuries she suffered. If you watch the show, Rei always gets beaten up really bad and I mean really really bad.

Dramatic pose 3. It's like she's being picked up by heaven. Looks good for displaying though :D

Dramitc pose 4. She's praying for a better world.

Watch the show, you'll get this. 

With that facial expression, all of her poses would look serious or that she's bored XD

Poses with the spear. The only problem with the spear is that she really can't hold it securely. You need to angle it and find that spot where it can perfectly rest in her hand. It's heavy for her thin arms too so you need to position it nicely if you want it to stay.

That stand can really help you pull off poses that makes her look like she's flying.. Just imagine her with angel wings or something :D

Alrighty then, let's summarize everything.


Articulation: 9/10 - It's almost perfect, the legs lowered the score. I wish they enabled it to move backwards and side to side. As I said, if you can look past that, you can still make a few decent poses like what I did with this figure. 

Parts: 10/10 - When you first get her, you'll be scared to move the parts because she looks really fragile. Honestly, her parts are stiff and very sturdy, of course you still need to make sure you're not forcing things to move otherwise you'll break it. 

I love the material they used for this figure, I know it's plastic but it's really solid and stable.

Accessories: 9/10 - It's okay I guess but I wish they gave an arm without the cast but I guess that's not what they're aiming for. The set is fine as is and you don't really need much to for posing. I mean, I barely used the spear the other optional hands and I still managed to do a lot of different poses. 

It's up to you how you utilize what they give you. 

Detail: 10/10 - The sculpt is amazing, they really captured Rei's features and proportions. It's like it came out straight form the TV. 

The plug suit is nicely done, all the necessary bits and tiny trims are placed perfectly. The coloring is also done perfectly, all the correct shades are used for this figure. The bandages really amazed me as well, I doesn't look monotonous and it looks realistic in terms of texture.

Verdict: 10/10 - This is such an awesome figure despite the minor flaws. It's a must for any Evangelion fans collection. I know there's an updated version of Rei so it's up to you if you wanna get that. I got this version because I love her bandaged look making her look really fragile. That sounded weird XD

If you haven't seen the anime, it's not too late. I suggest watching the original anime series except for the last 2 episodes then go straight to End of Evangelion because that's the canon ending I suppose. Skip Rebirth & Death of Evangelion it will pretty much make your brain explode due to inconsistency.

If you like you can watch the remake, the Rebuild of Evangelion series. At least that's in HD and they kinda changed a few things to the story but it still made the show really popular. Even if they didn't make that remake series, Evangelion is still popular today because of the iconic Eva Units and of course the ladies of the show.

It's nice side step from all the Mecha I'm getting. It makes me remember that I have a human side. What I mean by that is, collecting mecha characters all the time gets boring at times so I decided to purchase a Human figure. Believe it or not, it's a different feeling. 

It's hard to explain but this is one of the figures that I'm really glad I bought.

You what I did there? if not, watch the show :))

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