Saturday, March 03, 2012

Gundam Review: HG 1/144 Hyaku Shiki

Hello guys! posting this just now means I got lazy yesterday haha!! But here it is, the original gold mobile suit, the Hyaku Shiki. 

Time for another history lesson, well, I'll summarize most of it XD

Hyaku shiki means "Type 100" in japan. This was seen in the show Gundam Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, one of the AEUG's front liners in combat along with the Zeta Gundam, RX-178, Methuss and the Rick Dias. This mobile suit is piloted by Quattro Bajeena (A.K.A. Char Aznable).

During the production of this suit, it was originally called the Delta Gundam and was supposed to be a transforming mobile suit just like the Zeta Gundam. During the time, the mechanics aren't able to make the transformation possible thus scrapping the idea and then modified instead to make the Hyaku Shiki. Some time later, they managed to make that system work, thus creating the Delta Plus. Anyway, the Hyaku Shiki has a gold color because of it anti-beam coating. At the time, giving a suit anti-beam cotaing is very expensive but not for Char. So I guess he wanted the extra protection haha!

This was last seen fighting Haman Karn in her Quebley and was destroyed in battle.

Screw it, like you'll read all of that hahaha!! 

Let's start with the review :D

Here's the Box art:


Since it's from the UC era, it will have that generic black box and the mobile suit in front of it. Aside from that, I love how detailed these boxes are nowadays. Oh yeah, this kit comes in 2 forms, this one and the one packed with mega bazooka launcher. The difference is asside from the bazooka is that the suit has a dull yellow-ish gold instead of the shining shimmering gold :D

The manual:

The manual is just like any other regular HG manual, nothing special. 

The runners:

You'll get 2 gold runners, 1 black, 1 black with red and clear yellow and a set of polycaps (complete with hands just like those in old wing model kits.) I'm also wearing a glove because I don't want to put fingerprints along the gold parts but I removed it halfway through the build because its hot :)) Lastly, believe it or not, that tiny space is my work area... It's messy huh? hahaha!


The head:

Throughout the build I can't help myself but be giddy with alll that shiny bling bling haha! The only stickers are the eyes. I added some green for the forehead camera, can you see it? A bit of panel lining on the cheeks. I'm still wearing the gloves here haha!! I removed it during building the arms.

The torso:


Here the torso, not much gold but it still has nice color separation. A bit of panel lining for the piping and in the chest area. The back pack is also included here.

The waist:


The waist is fairly simple too, lots of gold bling :3 Too bad the beam saber handles don't have holes for effect parts. They're merely attached at the back. *sigh*

The legs:


Straight forward build, just don't forget the polycaps XD I broke a piece in the left ankle but it's noticeable. That's the thing with gold plated parts, they're very brittle so be very very very very careful. The red feet really stands out :D I call this the "reverse zeong" no arms :))

The arms:


The arms are very simple too, just be careful with the gold parts as I said they are very brittle. Nice red parts to breakout the monotony. Standing tall, almost done! For the Japanese markings, you get dry decals for that which is very awesome!

The "wings":


The wings are simplest part to assemble XD I was surprised that it didn't need to polycaps. The polycaps were in the backpack. So here's the Hyaku Shiki all complete!


For the accessories, it's pretty decent. 1 bazooka, 1 beam rifle, 2 clear beam sabers (better than nothing I guess.) and one trigger finger hand. The guns are just 2 halves put together. 




Yeah.... Very lack of imagination for the posing hahaha!! I'm actually having a hard time on how to pose him XD You can store the bazooka on his backpack by the way.  The trigger finger hand is angled a bit making it easy to hug under the shoulders. It's hard to capture the gold's shine, I keep getting a dark glimmer.


A size comparison with his comrade, the Zeta Gundam, almost the same height. A comparison with his enemy turned ally turned enemy(again) the RX-78-2, since he's the same height as the Zeta, he will definitely be taller than the RX-78-2. Lastly, a comparison with my previous build the SD RX-78-2, he looks really cute beside the Hyaku Shiki and toy-ish haha!!


Detail: 10/10 - Well... It's gold like's suppose to, hahaha!! but they still give enough colors to break the monotony, especially in the arms, chest and the back pack. Very nice, only a bit of panel lining is required and painting of the forehead camera. With all that done, you will have one fine looking suit.

Articulation: 8/10 - It's mostly in the legs that are giving me a hard time. it feels so limited and frustrating to create a decent pose XD but set that aside, everything else is pretty decent.

Accessories: 10/10 - You get what's necessary, unless you badly want the mega bazooka launcher. The beam sabers are clear yellow, that's better than the white toothpick. You just need to add a bit of detail to the beam rifle and you're all set. Not so often you get a shield-less suit haha!! Char doesn't need one anyways...

Parts: 8/10 - Why 8 you say? well, since gold plated every time you scrape some nubs it will have an ugly discoloration but I have a gold gundam marker so I don't mind. Aside from that, the gold parts are brittle and can break easily that's why you need to handle them with care but they're very solid in connection. Another minor gripe is that this kind of coating will make dust very evident and so as fingerprints. Other than that, it's nice to have a gold plated mobile suit in my shelf haha!!

Verdict: 9/10 - Very decent build, you just need to be careful in removing nubs. Worth picking up especially if you love the UC era and the Zeta Gundam series (in this case, I really do XD). The only problem is, this kit is hard to come by, both forms. I see the MG 1/100 more often than this. I picked this up the moment I saw it in the store. I was suppose to buy the MG 1/100 RX-79 ground type but I saw this and changed my mind in an instant :D I will get the RX-79 next time :3

Hope you guys enjoyed the review \m/


I love my UC gundam collection :3 This is just a part of my desk ;)

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