Saturday, April 06, 2013

Transformers Review: Transformers Generations Deluxe Class: Thundercracker

Hey guys!

Work has really kept me busy for the past few days and I just got my camera back so might as well start doing those long overdue reviews :D

So here we have another Transformers figure and another Thundercracker figure haha!! You guys pretty much on what's the deal withe me getting back in to Transformers.

If not, click here:

Read my last review while you're at it :D

Welcome back! well, that's if you really did click the link but anyway, let's begin!


I love the packaging of this figure. Simple but it really gets your attention. You get to see how menacing Thundercracker is :D

The backside, shows his bio and his tech specs. I noticed how they're specs change from class to class, weird. 

Side of the box, shows what class this figure is.


Lot's of wires to hold the figure and it's accessories which is good. Everything is so glossy @_@ For the accessories, you only get his missiles just like with every seeker. It shoots the missiles but be careful because those things pack quite a punch so you might loose them if you press accidentally and sends it flying somewhere.

Comes with a set of instructions back-to-back. Fairly easy to understand which we will discuss later.

Jet mode:

Here's Thundercracker in all his Jet glory. Very nice mold, this is my first seeker so I'm pretty much amazed by everything haha!! The colouring and details are nice and really captures his appearance in the G1 era. I love how the panel's aren't that obvious thus making it look a very solid figure.

The clear piece for the cockpit is a nice touch.

The underside. I like it because the robot parts are not obvious unlike some characters. Very nice details too.

Here's a quick comparison to my Legends Class Thundercracker. You can see how different each class is in terms of details but I still love the Legends class for being detailed at that size.


Remove the missiles and fold the wings.

Open the chest cavity.

Pull out the arms and rotate the cockpit and the nosecone to reveal the head. Push the cockpit towards the chest and enclose it.

For the legs, start by flipping and rotating those little wings, and pull out the thruster to become a leg.

Lastly, flip the hands, chest vents and feet to complete the look. Add the missiles or you can have him hold them.

Robot mode:
In robot mode, he's also a solid figure, the legs are free to move and for the arms, they can move easily if you remove the missiles and have him hold them like guns ;D


For articulation, it's pretty limited unlike revoltechs and gundams. He does have stiff joints though. These are the best poses I can do XD If he only comes with a stand then probably I can do more. I wish they come with a stand but only the Masterpiece models come with those.

With the missiles placed on his shoulder, you're pretty limited with the arm movement so I suggest you let him hold it like a gun so his arm will be free from obstructions. I wish the missiles were slightly smaller because they pretty much get in the way a lot when moving the arms.

The legs are pretty decent, has some good bends and angles you can make but other than that you're pretty much stuck with simple poses.


I don't really have any other Transformers to compare him to aside from my Rodimus but his a revoltech figure so he doesn't really transform. Also, I used RX-78-2 since his the average height in the HG line of gunpla.

You can see how tall this figure is and he's not even one of the taller characters. 

Click here for the review of the figures in the picture:


Detail: 10/10 - I love the detail on this guy, they really captures his look from the TV series, by that alone I'm already impressed with this mold and how the tiniest of things are seen here like those red trims on this shoulders. They even got his face nicely done, very mean looking haha. 

I also like how the molded in details are made, makes it look more mechanical.

Painting: 8/10 - The painting is nice and glossy and all but not all areas are covered properly because you can see the seam lines and trimmings in some areas which they should covered up properly

If overlook those things, you will still have one amazing figure at your hands.

Articulation: 10/10 - It's pretty awesome for a deluxe class, you still get various bends which are enough for some posing and besides, If you want to pose him as a Jet why need the articulation XD

 I just wish his wings can move outward so his arms can move more even with the missiles attached to his shoulders and I also wish that his hands rotate but other than that, I'm pretty contended with what Hasbro did.

Transformation: 10/10 - I guess this transformation will be applied to all the seekers which is good because it's simple but it really hides the robot parts when in jet mode and vice versa. The cockpit area is a little tight so be careful when moving the parts there to avoid breaking. 

Conlusion: 9/10 - If you love Transformers especially the G1 era, then this guy is an automatic must have. I love the seekers as much as the next Transformers collector that's why when I saw this guy I immediately picked him up with no second thoughts. I'm so lucky to find this guy because from what I heard the seekers are hard to come by nowadays.

So as of the moment, I badly want to collect the seekers and from there I'll decide if I'll still get other characters. Maybe I'll get MP's.. I need to do a lot saving up XD 

There you have it guys, I'm really sorry if this felt rushed because I barely have time to these reviews due to my work and all so I pretty much do the best I can :D

Hope you enjoyed this review and stay tuned for the next reviews, more specifically the upcoming revoltech reviews!

I'll review these guys first then maybe go back to re-reviewing my gunpla kits :D

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