Sunday, February 17, 2013

Revoltech Yamaguchi Review: Hot Rodimus

Hey guys!

I'ts been a while since I've gotten a new revoltech... I was so focused on getting the gundams I wanted that forgot about revoltech XD

Anyway, most of us grew up with the Transformers, the classic robot aliens that transforms into your everyday vehicle. I remember looking for the channel that shows this series when I was a kid. Transformers is one of those things that pops to mind when you say "mecha" or robots in a conversation. 

I only knew the G1 & G2 series, from there I jumped to Beast Wars without knowing that I'm missing a lot. I don't really remember seeing the succeeding series being aired in my country.. 

My dad bought me a lot of transformers before.. Thinking back now, I really wish I was taking care of my toys :( 

Aside from Transformers, there were also a lot of awesome shows being shown that time like the original power rangers and various sentai series, Masked Rider, He-Man, Thundercats and the list goes on...

These series' are already icons of our generation, people will always say "nothing beats the classics" and it's pretty damn true. I mean, when I first saw the Transformers movie by Michael Bay I was so stoked and filled with excitement. After watching it, I can't get over what I just saw. Then the sequels came.. from there.. I noticed how crappy the modern designs are :/  

Nothing really beats the classics... That's why when I decided to collect transformers again.. I want to stick to the classic designs only... I might take a break from gunpla or not do it as often as before. I still love gundams though, I still have a list of "to buy kits" haha

Anywaaaaaaaaaay...... Let's get to the review, the reason why I'm posting this in the first place :D

On my post yesterday, I said that I was initially suppose to get Starscream from Great Toys but due to a turn of events, I ended up with Hot Rod which is also good ;D I'm still waiting for Starscream though :3

Let's begin for real :D

Box art:

If you're wondering why the box looks thrashed.. I have no idea as well XD I was helping the one of the staff to look for Starscream.. To my my demise, I was about to leave when the lady said "Hot Rodimus" I immediately looked back to see how it looks like.. When I pulled it out of the shelf I was so surprised to see the box like this XD Good thing the figure inside is not damaged ;D Also, because of this I got it for a really cheap price hehehe >:D

Hot Rod is one of the earliest releases of Yamaguchi, numbered 47, he's next to starscream. The box is very simple unlike the newer ones or the book types but nonetheless this still shows some charm. They actually look good in person :D

Backside shows what Hot Rod can do, you only get a few things but trust me, that's all you need with this figure. Also shows how poseable a revoltech figure is. They really do a good job with these kind of engineering.

The damage is pretty much around the box, must be the promotion thing that's wrapped around like in other figures... A good example is my Krauser figure. It has that sleeve promoting its movie. Anyway, I guess it wasn't removed properly or something. Anyway, like all boxes, they show the character's face, the name, and it's number in the series.

All the boxes have this, if you read japanese you can understand what they're point out. Basically, it describes how poseable these figures are thanks to their nicely engineered joints.


Revoltech figures always come covered in plastic to make sure you're expensive toy is well protected. He's very small than I anticipated. Only a few accessories but as I said, that's all you need ;)

Here he is out of the box. You get 2 trigger fingers, one thumbs up hand, one pointing hand, one alternative head where in his wearing his visor and a stand. Don't worry, all revoltechs come with a stand :D I wish bandai is this generous with their gunpla XD I didn't open the stand because I still have 3 others, and only my Super Galaxy Gurren Laggan is using one.

You also get a promotion with their new releases during that year... These promotions gets bigger and bigger every time XD


His alternative head has his visor on, I call this cyclops mode.. lol :P Has nice detailing for something so small.

He also comes with his signature pistols/blaster that he always use. At first I thought they were the same but they're not. Each one has nicely molded details.

Like with most revoltechs, you get a few alternative hands. Evangelion figures has loads of them. So these just have pegs. Trust me, these things are very sturdy and once you peg them in, they will stay whether you like it or not. They're also hard to remove so be careful not to break anything :D


Hot Rod is one of the older revoltechs so he basically has the standard joints like the head, shoulder, elbows, arms, chest, legs, knees and feet. The hand's are pegs unlike the newer ones, wherein its a revoltech joint already.  He can kneel no problem though :D

I tried some simple poses, the joints have a fair amount of reach enough for dynamic poses.

Paying homage to Gurren Lagann :D


Let's see how he stands up to various figures.

He's small compared to a revoltech Eva unit. But in reality the Eva's would really tower over transformers :D

I didn't expect him to be this small. I even removed Freedom's wings to avoid cramping the shot XD He's even smaller the HG 1/144 Exia RE II. The SD is already on his waist though :D He's very very very small.

Comparison is done... Before the verdict, I wanna share some more pictures where Hot Rod got the bad side of Eva Unit-03. :D

Here's the story: 

 Hot Rod challenged Unit-03 to a pokemon fight.

Hot Rod won but Unit-03 got angry because he thinks that Hot Rod cheated. Unable to control his anger, Unit-03 assaulted Hot Rod. (Cameo's from left to right: Revoltech Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann, HG 1/144 Cherudim, HG 1/144 RX-78-2, HG 1/144 Gundam X and Revoltech Krauser II)

Unit-03's rage was so bad, his angel arms came out giving Hot Rod a huge disadvantage and terrifying him in the process.

Hot Rod almost accepting his faith, he was able to turn the tide in a split second.

Hot Rod was about to pull the trigger when Unit-03 regained sanity and declared his loss. 

So the moral of the story is: Don't mess with Hot Rod.

Did you like it? No, screw you!! hahaha!! just kidding, it was a spur of the moment, I had nothing better to do XD

Anyway, time for the conclusion.


Articulation: 10/10 - For a figure this small, he has a lot of nice articulation, thanks to those revoltech joints of course. From my pictures, you can tell that you can do a lot dynamic posing. So pose away my friends, pose away. I wish the wheels move but hey, it's not really necessary haha

Parts: 10/10 - The parts are blocky making them sturdy and stiff. It does look like a chunk of plastic rather than metallic since he's a robot but it's based on a cartoon so it's a really perfect representation.  Parts are nicely sculpted, very accurate on how you see him on the movie back in the days.

Accessories: 10/10 - What you see in the movie is what you get, take note, this is Hot Rod not Rodimus Prime so don't expect the matrix core and the trailer that he uses in the movie. Although the box says "Hot Rodimus" I don't see the things Rodimus use so, I call him Hot Rod :D Besides, with the things he comes with, you can really do a lot of posing :D My only complain are the trigger hands. Why do they have to be angled XD But meh, you can look past it.

Detail 10/10 - I'm reviewing Hot Rod as a figure not as a transformer. If this is a Transforming figure, I'll add a "Transformation" segment in the criteria. Anyway, The paint applications are spot on, the colors are very accurate even the autobots logo was superb. The minor things like decals and other small parts are nicely done too. It's like he really came out of the TV.

Conclusion: 10/10 - If you're just getting into revoltechs, this is one of the figures to start out with. He's really awesome and easy to pose. I gotta admit, I haven't had this fun in posing a figure in a while. Revoltechs have their up's and down's but nonetheless it's a really awesome figure series. You just need to know how to maneuver these joints to your liking.

If you're a transformers collector, this can also be a great addition to your growing stash. I mean, it's not often you get a transformers character this poseable. That's why I wish they made more characters from the G1 era... Up to now, they keep releasing variations of Optimus Prime.. It's getting tiring really.

If you're just a figure collector, noting specific, I'd still recommend this guy. His perfect for photoshoots and crazy shenanigins with your other figures.

There you have it, I hope you liked the review :D

As of the moment, I only have 4 revoltechs:

They're my band of brothers. I still have plans to add more :D

Oh yeah, have you wondered about this?

LOL!! I can't think of any other captions XD

yeah... I bet his rod is on fire now. LOL!

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