Sunday, February 17, 2013

Things are finally going my way :D

Hey guys!

I have a some good news to share :D

First of all I've managed to secure a decent paying job in a hotel called "Manila Hotel". I'll be a cook there :D I'm pretty I'll be payed a generous amount hahaha It is a 5-star hotel after all :3

From there, I now have a steady cash flow which of course I'll save up and also have funds to support my hobby now :D Of course I need to be practical in the things I buy :3

Also, I'm thinking of actually using my youtube account to make videos not just comment and subscribe LOL! My channel is such a waste XD I wanna make a channel that reviews figures and such just like Prime92, vegeta8259, rrobbert184 and collectionDX to name a few. It can really help me generate more views in this blog as well :D

Bad news is, I'm gonna be pretty busy with my job being in the hospitality department unlike a regular office job where you guys have more free time.. Being in a hotel is very tedious and tiring and the fact that we need to work on holidays XD Oh well, at least we get double pay >:D

So.... I still need to work on a few things if I really want to push through with my channel.. When it does happen, I hope you guys, yes the readers, support me :D

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