Saturday, October 21, 2017

Gundam Review: MG 1/100 RX-78-2 Gundam ver. 2.0

Good Afternoon guys!

I should've done this a long time ago. 

I present to you the Grand daddy Gundam, all in its Master Grade glory. This is the 2.0 version which for me is one of the best kits Bandai has ever produce until the 3.0 version came out.

It's kinda weird to be into gunpla and not have any form of the RX-78. It's like a mandatory build for anybody who's into this hobby.

It doesn't matter what scale it is, it's THE Grand daddy Gundam, the one what started it all.

I build this prior to this blog but I managed to take pictures of the assembly because I really love this kit LOL.

Anyway, Let's start the review!

Box art:

Even with a simple pose, the RX-78 can deliver. Sides of the box shows it's gimmicks and accessories. They're also emphasizing how great it looks straight out of the box, that's a straight build with not much effort can till justify it's awesomeness.

At the back you will see the previous versions of the MG until the recent one with details. Bandai has really come a long way and they keep getting better and better.


Old MG manuals usually just have the name of the kit across the page with their logo. In this case, it's the same art as the box. At the back you will see a whole body shot of the RX. In previous kits, they usually have a cardboard insert for this picture and the back page would then show their back side.

A bit of Gundam history on the left and on the right the engineering that they have done on this kit, on what makes it a "2.0" kit. 

MG usually have more parts because almost everything is a molded piece thus less painting is required. The RX-78 is a simple MS so it's not that much parts and color separation.

The usual color page at the middle of the manual. A brief history of the UC 0079 timeline and a painting guide. On the right highlights the mechanics they've included in this kit, also shows previous RX-78 master grade kits.

Another fun thing with MG kits are the decals. Since most parts are molded in color, they give you instead decals to improve the look of the kit. Usually these are affiliation logos, warning signs, linings etc. These decals really make them look like pieces of war machinery. 


A total of 14 runner. Not much for an average MG kit. Color separation is nicely done unlike with High grade kits where small details needed painting.

The RX-78-2 is simple MS with simple colors, but it's that simplicity that make him stand out.

Standard pilot figures. Both are Amuro Ray, one in his space suit and one in his uniform.


Some basic warning/caution signs. Some EFSF logos along with serial numbers.

Core fighter assembly:

The RX is first in a lot of things. Like the core fighter. A small ship that resembles an aircraft that usually becomes the MS cockpit in the main body.

Simple assembly, comes with its own small stand. It has some articulation because it can fully transform into the core block.

The cockpit's glass can also retract for a realistic feel.


Very simple, the cockpit has a mechanism that pulls the tail when you fold it. 

Body assembly:

MG kit's are famous for their inner frames. This is pretty much the reason why you get MG kits, there's a lot of details to admire. It's amazing how Bandai managed to come up with this system. I love how each piece is separated and can move independently. 

With out the core block, its a hollow area.

The core block fits perfects and it doesn't affect the articulation at all.

Head assembly:

Lots of small parts but that hydraulics in the neck is a nice touch making it realistic. Oh yeah, those are the only foil stickers in the kit, I used them because they blend well with the kit.

Here it is with the armor pieces. I forgot to paint the head vulcans yellow.. But It's not that obvious unless you want some show accuracy. Careful with the V-fins, it's kinda sharp.

Waist assembly:

A lot of small pieces again for the skirts, but that means more articulation so be careful not to loose or break them.

Backpack Assembly:

Probably one of the most smallest backpacks ever but it's enough to store some of his weapons.

Feet Assembly:

For such small feet, there's a lot of thing going on there. The movement of this foot is really something, it has 3 sections allowing it to bend like it's on its toes. Also, more hydraulics to simulate actual robot mechanics.

Leg assembly:

Not much but has a lot of nice piping and mechanical detail.

Arm assembly:

I love how each finger is separated for nice posing options. There you have it, the inner frame of the RX-78-2 ver. 2.0. 

I really enjoy building inner frames, gives me an engineer feel while assembling it. You can also see how much effort Bandai has put into their kits.

I don't own the ver. 1.0 and 1.5 but what I know is that the previous kits have different molded details in some areas and they don't have articulated hand manipulators. They also don't have the segmented feet articulation because they don't have inner frames. For accessories, the 1.0 only has the beam rifle, shield and bazooka while the 1.5 has the same accessories as 2.0

Now let's armor him up.


You just slap them onto the frame like a puzzle. Very smooth and barely any seam lines. That yellow V on the crotch is small so be careful not to loose it. One of the main gimmicks of a MG kit is that you can open the pilots cockpit, a cool feature to add more sense of realism.

Very simple, you just slide most of them in.

Really love how expressive the hands are haha

Same with the leg, just sandwich the frame but they're not loose, very strong connections.

Here he is standing proud. I'm not doing any thing yet but straight assembling and looks amazing out of the box. 

Of course he needs weapons so let'g give him some.

Beam saber:

His signature beam sabers, the one that always helps him in a pinch. Conveniently placed on his back for easier reach. 

There's the grand daddy Gundams Thumbs up!

Even with beam sabers alone, he looks awesome! Combine it with a very nice articulated frame, poses will never be boring!

Beam rifle:

That yellow piece is always a sight to behold because old kits always have the gun in one solid color making the owners paint with anguish haha! The front handle can move also. 

A wild gun appears!

The beam rifle has a peg you can pull out allowing it to be stored at the back skirts.

A bonus feature for the gun which is not present in previous versions. You can turn it into a missile launcher! What's amazing is they really included missiles to be loaded into the barrel! cool :D

It's easy to connect into beam rifle also.

Mr. Solider of fortune. 


The iconic shield. You can't think of anything else when you see this, it's always "That's a Gundam!" Well... unless you're unfamiliar  with the show. 

In other grades, the cross is usually a molded detail. What a time to be alive where MG kits lessen your worries.

Here we have the basic set up for the Grand daddy Gundam. This is his usual load out. Just a gun, a shield and 2 sabers. Enough to take on an army.

You can also use the peg to attach to its forearm into its back dong his iconic sideways shield pose.

Hyper Bazooka:

"You found Bazooka x1."

He can even make a simple bazooka look cool.

The bazooka has peg that can be pulled out in the middle so it can stored at back skirts. He can carry almost all his weapons.

But wait! There's more! Bandai is so generous!

He can easily hold them over or under the shoulder.

A basic ground pose. A simple pose but adds dramatic effect haha!

Beam Javelin:

This come in clear plastic so I had to color is with a sharpie (it's only thing I have that can be used on clear parts that time.)

Cool weapon but it's hard for him to hold it because there are no pegs so gonna be pretty much a play in balancing.

Then again, he usually throws this at the enemy.

Gundam Hammer:

Another signature weapon his. The only suit to have the same is the Turn A gundam. The chains plastic which is ok to avoid rusting. 

It's hard to pose without photo editing because the chain like any other chain, goes with the flow. I can't pull off any other pose. Maybe you can wrap it around enemies haha!

So much weapons to choose from. Enjoy with the posing!

I decalized them just to bring that military look.

Let's push the frame to the limit to see the bends :D


'Nuff said. Amazing balance. He'd doing a yoga pose.

Arms can bend 90 degrees and rotate no problem. Good thin he has small shoulder armor. The legs have a lot of room to move, double jointed knees and thanks to the side skirts moving independently from another, the leg can rotate and go in various directions. 

Hands have a separate thumb and trigger finger. The other three are only connected midway but can move independently from the knuckle up.  

Shoulders can go out allowing him to almost reach the opposite shoulder allowing him to do the Attack on Titan Corps salute.

Head can look up for dynamic poses.

He's pretty much poseable to a certain degree.

Those knee bends! Ground poses will never get boring!

Bandai really stepped up their game with this 2.0 kits. There's already a 3.0 kit but I haven't gotten one yet so for now, this is the best MG for me. 

Let'd do more poses!

Oppa Gundam Style.



Fully loaded! Armed to the teeth!

He can easily hold the gun with two arms.

Just a basic "Getting ready" pose.

And of course, the iconic last shot! You can insert the beam effect part to simulate a laser shooting out.


My RX-78-2 collection :D C'mon, you can never have too much of the Grand daddy Gundam :D

You can also view the other kits reviews here:

SD Sangokuden Liu Bei:

SD RX-78-2:

SD Sangokuden Liu Bei (clear ver.):

HGUC 1/144 RX-78-2:

Sadly, I haven't reviewed the HGUC 1/144 RX-78-2 Ver. G30th yet but stay tuned!

Beside its relative from the Zeta Gundam Series. I guess they got taller and buffer as time goes. I haven't reviewed him yet but stay tuned!

Oh yeah, you can store the beam rifle into the shield! So far, this is the only kit I know that can do the feat.

Another MS from the Zeta universe, the monstrous Psycho Gundam, and to think that's only the 1/144 scale.

View his review here:

Beside his Upgrade, the Nu Gundam. This is the 1/144 scale though, the 1/100 would be massive!

View the review here:

Lastly, The crossbones gundam. This is way down the UC timeline, I guess they decided to reduce the mecha sizes again.

view this amazing kits review here:


Details 10/10:

The kit is amazing. I don't know how to expand that. The inner frame itself is filled with mechanical detail, from hydraulics to pipings. 

The neck and feet have their own hydraulics to make it look like they're moving something inside. Then again, it's an MS that doesn't really need much details because it's main characteristic is to be simple.

Even the core fighter is fully transformable and has mini rockets for displaying options. Is it show accurate? 95% yes. It all boils down to the shade of colors on what you consider is accurate. Some say it needs a light greenish tint like a GM or the blue should be darker and the proportions are too slim. 

But for me, it's one of the best representations of the white devil.

Articulation 10/10:

Need I say more? The pictures pretty much sums it up. BUT! A minor grip of mine are the back and side skirts,  they are independent from one another and they're all in a ball joint. They fall easily if you bump them hard enough like by accident but it's tolerable. 

Hand manipulators are free moving enough to do various gestures and the legs really does wonder with ground poses.

The overall kit has nice balance you just need to apply some proper position and you're good to go.

Accessories 10/10:

Again... Do I need to say more? You get a lot of weapons, a fully transformable core fighter and a bonus configuration for the beam rifle. What else do you want?

They went all out with this kit and it's not that even expensive for a Master Grade. Oh yeah, I just wish the Beam javelin has some sort of peg holes to be held properly. 

Parts 10/10:

Majority is molded in color, the only one left behind are the head vulcans but that can be easily painted. Aside from that, parts connect well and there's barely any visible seam lines. 

One piece to highlight is the V on the crotch, be careful not to loose that. It's those tiny details that make the kit amazing.

Inner frame holds the entire kit well, he is a simple MS to begin with. Weapons peg nicely and holds well in the hands, same with the shield connectors, it's pretty tight so be careful when removing them.

The clear pieces for the beam javelin are kinda fragile, but that's the case with any clear kit so just be careful. The V-fin is also pointy so be careful not to hurt yourself. 

There's also not too much panel lines which is ok because he doesn't need them. The smooth parts really makes him look like he came out of an animation panel. 


This kit is a must have in your collection, it really showcases how far Bandai has come with their model kits. From simple figures to the beasts of poseabilities.

Bandai really pushed themselves to keep improving to give us a reason to keep buying their products. It was a huge step up from the 1.0 and fully completed what the 1.5 lacks. I have yet to tread the 3.0 kit but until then, this kit is the best representation of the RX-78-2 for me. 

You get a lot for a Y4200 kit, loads of weapons and a fully transformable core fighter (with its own stand!)

There's too much posing options both in the ground and aerial poses, your imagination is your limit. 

Lastly, I got this kit because it always makes me nostalgic on how simplicity beats complexity. I used to play Chars Counterattack o the PS1, sure the games then can't compare to the graphics of todays standards but that's the thing, nothing beats old school.

We will always look back to a simpler time. 

Damn, what a lengthy review, dunno if this is longer than my MG Red Frame review which you can view here:

I hope you reached this part so you can read my thanks haha! Thank you for reading as always! Stay tuned for more reviews!

Started making this review around 6.30pm but due to procrastination, I finished it at 11.13pm... It's a long review, I wanna make sure that describe it in great detail haha! I hope it didn't bore you!

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