Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Gundam Review: HG 1/144 RX-78-2 Gundam

Hey Guys!!

I present the original Daddy Gundam in High Grade goodness. The white devil of the one year war, the original Gundam piloted by none other than Amuro Ray \m/

Box art:

One of the reasons why I love the UC era is no matter how simple the mecha designs are, they are still one of the best designs I've seen compared to the modern ones. They look more realistic.

Side of the box, some basic information

Same as the front but minimized

Other side, more on the gimmicks and the poses you can pull of :D


Just like with any other UC manual, simple shot of the Gundam with its specs on the side if you want more detailed info.

Same as the pics from the sides of the box but larger. Also includes a color guide as usual. 

More of the same pictures and other info.

The assembly is quite short, the Gundam is pretty simple after all not that complex.


*This is a re-review so it's already assembled so I'll jump straight to the MS and its accessories*

Pretty simple, but it's all you need ;D I painted the core fighter by the way so don't expect yours to be like mine out of the box haha!! It's quite a crappy paint job though XD You get a trigger finger, a mounting clip for the bazooka, a beam rifle, a bazooka, 2 beam sabers with effect parts, a shield and the core fighter.

Let's take a closer look at the MS first:

Here's the MS, no weapons, just the plain old Gundam itself. Gundams has gone through a lot of changes throughout the years and it wouldn't start if this guy wasn't invented.

Very simple design and color scheme which is used as a recurring theme in succeeding Gundam shows. It really shows how simple it's beginnings were. One of the greatest representations of RX-78-2 in model form.

It's pretty much how it looks like in the show but with constant proportions LOL!

Here's the back side. Nothing much and very simple.

The Gundam has a simple gimmick where you can dislodge the waist a bit so you can create an extra articulation, you don't have to do it but it nice that Bandai considered adding it.

For painting, you don't really have to do much other than the small "v" on his crotch, the head vulcans and panel lining. If you managed to complete those, this can really look like it came out of your TV haha!

The only sticker's you'll get are the eyes and the head cameras, so everything is pretty much in color more or less.

Let's do a quick look on its articulation.


You know a kit has good articulation if it can do weird poses haha! 

Lot's of decent articulation for all the joints especially in the arms because it can also move outwards from the torso so you can hold a beam saber with two hands like this:

It's poses like this that can make it look cool despite it's very simplistic design.

Another good pose you can do with it's articulation:

I guess someone shot a goal haha! The legs can really bend a lot, too bad the back skirt is stationary but it doesn't really hamper much. The front skirts are molded together but it will still look nice overall.

Moving on, let's see a closer look at his accessories.



Beam rifle, the Gundams best friend. the scope and handle moves other than that there's nothing much. You have to paint the scope though.

Bazooka, one of my favorite weapons of all time. It's always nice to see a robot with a bazooka :3 It will be a disappointment if the MS can't mount it over it's shoulder like a certain model kit.. We'll talk about that model kit in another review XD

Your basic melee weapon in the Gundam Universe. You get two beam effect parts. I broke a few of the already because the pegs are so small that when you drop it or accidentally bend it, it will cut off so be careful.

One of the selling point's of this kit, they give you a core fighter. It has a simple assembly and it even has its own landing gear. One of my infamous crappy paint jobs :)) Looks good from afar though :3 

A trigger finger, the only extra hand you get other than the default open fists. I wish they gave you two of these so you can hold the beam rifle and bazooka at the same time :D

Of course, it has the shield. One of it's signature accessories and pretty much an icon already. 

The shields in SEED/Destiny closely resembles this. I love how the cross is molded in color unlike SEED/Destiny kits where you are give one chunk of single colored plastic forcing you to paint XD I guess they're saving on expenses :3

Now for some comparisons with other kits.


A few comparisons with my previous kits whose reviews you can view here:

HG 1/144 RX-93 Nu Gundam:

SD RX-78-2 Gundam: 

MG 1/100 Freedom Gundam: 

Anyway, The original Gundam stands at 18m wherein the Nu Gundam is a whopping 22m. In my previous reviews prior to this blog, I always use the RX-78-2 Gundam because it's the first gundam to be made and it's the average height in the Gundam universe. 

Let's do a side by side with his teammates in White Base:

Pretty much close to each others height. Here's the evolution of the RX series. Too bad they didn't release a RX-78-1 Gundam.. You can always do a custom color, it's pretty easy, you just need the right paint apps. 

I also noticed how they slowly removed the shoulder cannons haha!! The Gundam is really a huge milestone for the EFSF army, this guy pretty much helped them win the one year war thanks to Amuro 's piloting skills of course.

Some few sheninigins with the team:

Here's the team taking a day off :D


You can also the switch up with the Guntank and the connections are pretty solid, so have fun.

Amuro is such a good leader :3

Now you got a clear picture of how tall this kit is, let's do some posing with the MS itself :D


Very poseable eh? It can do a variety of dynamic poses, although I'm pretty much pushing it too much with the kneeling pose haha!! 

The shoulder's coming out is really good for dual wielding the beam rifle. Also, the Gundam Hammer is from my HG 1/144 RX-78-2 Gundam Ver. G30th.. I just thought of adding it to the photo shoot haha. We'll cover that on my review of the said kit.

Next up, we'll do another Gundam fight with none other than the Red Comet himself, Char!

Of course Amuro will win hahaha!! Reminds of the CCA playstation game. I wish I still have that CD and I'll play the heck out of it :D

We've pretty much covered everything so let's do the verdict for this kit.


Detail: 10/10 - As I said, this is one of the best representations of the Gundam. If you can't afford the MG 2.0 scale, get this one. Up to now, I still choose this over any version of the Gundam. It's the most TV show accurate in terms of color and proportions. He's not too blocky like I expected him to be. They got everything correctly down to the last part. Not much panel lines which is good, just a plain kit with smooth parts.

For painting, you don't really need to bother aside from the "v" on his crotch because that stands out a lot. Also, if you really wanna paint the core fighter, why not, you don't have to but I did it anyways just to practice my painting haha!!

Articulation: 10/10 - As mentioned above, lot's of good articulation for a variety of decent posing options. I just wish he can have more articulation in the lower body so he can do a proper kneeling pose properly, unlike in my picture where he's pretty much leaning to left already.

The shoulder moving out of the torso is a really huge plus for dual wielding the beam rifle and the beam saber. The arms have enough bends to them to actually prop the bazooka over the shoulder which is a huge plus. The bazooka would pretty much be worthless if he can't even place it over his shoulder.

Accessories: 9/10 - It's complete in a sense but I wish they included all his weapons.. His only missing the Gundam Hammer and Beam Javelin. Is it too much to squeeze those two in the kit? XD Then again, that's what the MG kits are for haha!! 

They included a core fighter for the heck of it.. I just wish you can place it in a stand so you can make it look like it's flying. That would be good for posing with the Gundam. Unfortunately, you only get landing gears which is better than nothing.

Parts: 10/10 - Solid parts, just be careful with the V-fin because it's small and you might break it accidentally. Other than that, everything has a pretty solid connection and there are barely any seam lines visible. 

Everything if not most is molded in color so less painting for the lazy guys. Not much panel lines, which is good in this case because he doesn't really need all that to look good. He look's amazing as is. So yeah, one of the best kits Bandai released.

Conclusion: 10/10 - Need I say more? If you love Gundam, this is in your collection already, if not, get him now, it's not too late haha!! But seriously, A really great addition to your Gundam merchandise. 

I bought him for that nostalgic feeling and also I'm a huge UC fan so getting this guy is a no brainer.

So there you have it guys, I hoped you enjoyed the review, stay tuned for my upcoming reviews :D

Oh yeah... Why is everyone doing the Harlem Shake?

*facepalm* Great... Even my Gundam are doing it *sigh*

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