Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Transformers Review: Transformers Generations Legend Class: Thundercracker

Hey guys!

I bet no one saw this coming, a Transformers review! 

It's my first Transformers figure in years, and I really mean yeeeaaaaaaaars...

Believe it or not, I'm a huge a Transformers fan, the old school version at least. I like the Michael Bay movies but it's not something I would watch over and over again.. 

It was just mostly special effects anyway and the robots look really complex and far from their original designs. Sure it's to advertise cars and modernizing things but meh.. Nothing beats the classics.

That's why my "growing" TF collection would be mostly likely designs from G1 and G2.. For now :D I do want to collect the Masterpiece series but they're helluva expensive so I might just pick the ones I really really like.

To start my collection, I present Thundercracker! One of the original Seeker jets! I saw this guy at a local toy store and not the hobby store I usually go to. I wanted to check the prices in a usual toy store first then compare it to my favorite hobby store. While browsing, I saw this guy and immediately fell in love XD 

It's like the nostalgia pulled me towards it. I saw it from a far and having doubts if I should buy it.. It was on sale after all XD  

Let's get it on with the review!

*I might have a different format for TF reviews than my usual Gunpla reviews*


This figure is brought to us by Hasbro, and long running toy company. I don't really know the difference between Hasbro and Takara versions XD

This is a Legends class, which means it's a pretty small figure but can still do the Transformation no problem :D 

I dunno why he's not packed properly, because one of his guns is not positioned properly XD I searched the net, and they're all packed that way :))

It has the usual warning signs and the level of difficulty for transforming this guy, in this case, it's level 2 which is fairly easy that you don't even need instructions but they still included them :D

Overall nice packaging for something so small.

At the back you will see his info and the tech specs. I don't really bother with these XD But it's nice to know they included his stats :D

You will also get a picture of his Jet mode. Notice how the missiles are painted black while the figure itself is painted solid blue. Nice job Hasbro XD

The side of the box, took me a while to find where the "Legends Class" is written XD


I still can't get over how he's not packed properly XD but yeah, nice protective plastic surrounding the figure and a piece of wire to hold it in place. 

The base of the packaging shows the instructions on how to transform it. It might look complex but it's really not.


For a small figure, it has some nice details and the paint job is nicely done :D

The back side. You can see the rivets indicating the only points of articulation. It's quite few so don't be surprised. I love the Decepticon symbols though :D

Here he is compared to my SD RX-78-2. He's very small but a little taller than RX but at least you can visualize how compact these things are so be careful :D


Well... That's most of it XD C'mon, it's a small figure, don't expect a lot of articulation. But hey, still looks bad ass for a tiny guy. 

The arms can move in and out and rotates until it hits the wings. The legs can also move in and out and  the knees can bend. The head can move a little but you barely notice it. Other than that it's quite a solid figure.


Let's start from Jet mode :D

Unpeg the missiles.

Raise the middle part and bend it all the way to the back.

Flip the figure and unpeg the legs and fold the side fins towards the leg.

Rotate the figure to an upright position then bend the thrusters  which will now become his arms.

Raise the cockpit.

Bend the nosecone and rotate it to reveal the head.

Align it towards the body to complete him.

Attach the missiles to his arms if you want so he can have more firepower XD

The transformation isn't that complex. Just be careful when moving things around. It is a pretty small figure so it's fragile in a way.

Jet mode:

I think I should've started the reviews with this XD But meh, the figure was packaged in robot mode so I began there LOL!

Anyway, I love jets. One of the reasons I bought this guy is because I love jets and the fact that the seekers are my favorite characters in the Transformers universe :3 

I know they're all just a re-color of Starscream but I still love them so much that I plan to get the Masterpiece versions. I want to display them side by side in my self :3

Even in jet mode this figure looks awesome! The shade of blue is just fantastic and everything looks smooth and clean in terms of painting. I just find it weird that the missiles aren't painted in black like how it's showed at the back but painting it manually can fix that. If I ever decided to in the future.


Detail: 10/10 - For a small figure, they really capture the look of Thundercracker from G1. I'm desperately looking for the Starscream version and the rare Skywarp version just so I can complete the original seeker trio. These things are awesome and very much worth buying if you're a Transformers fan or if you're just getting into Transformers. 

In jet mode, you can barely tell that it can transform because it's so small but it does deliver :D

Painting: 9/10 - The paint job is spot on, very smooth and crisp. I still can't forgive why they show a picture of him with black missiles but not doing it to the actual figure XD Kinda shallow but I can get over it :D 

I love the decepticon symbols on his wings, nicely done and the colors really captured Thundercrackers essence. The shade of blue is really nice.

Articulation: 8/10 - It's a small figure and it fully transforms so most of the articulation would really be gone. Besides, you don't really need it if you wanna display it in jet mode like me :3 So I don't really bother.. That's what the other scales are for. This is pretty much for displaying.

Transformation: 10/10 - For a small figure, they really had it planned to make things work in this size. At first, I thought the figure couldn't transform because of it's size but I was wrong. The transformation procedure is simple but it really hides the parts well especially in jet mode. You can barely tell that it can turn into a robot. 

Conclusion: 10/10 - Overall, it's a really nice find. For it's price, it's really worth picking it up. The simplicity of the figure got me. You don't even need accessories, this guy looks awesome! This instantly became one of my favorite things in my collection. 

I still wanna type but I'm loss for words for this guy. I kept repeating what I'm saying but I can't find other words to describe how awesome this small figure is XD

Anyway, I still plan to buy the other Legends class, but from the G1 era so good luck to me if they're still available XD Other than that, I'm pretty much decided on getting the Masterpiece versions of the Seekers and what over get's my attention in the Masterpiece line.

There you have it, it's a short review but hey, I hope you enjoyed it :D I can't think of any picture gag with this guy XD Stay tuned for upcoming reviews! I'm getting my pay soon so I might buy a few stuff :3 

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