Monday, June 25, 2012

SD Gundam Review: SD Hyaku Shiki & Mega Bazooka Launcher

Good Evening again guys!

I present you the SD Hyaku Shiki &Mega Bazooka Launcher :D

My desk will be messy again :)) You need to paint a few parts here. I really love that box art! As you can see, it has the "Generation-F" logo. It was a a tactics game way back, wherein all the gundams are packed into one game. You can play the scenerios from each series. Most of the SD kits emerged because of that game :3 

This is one of the very old style SD's. Very tiny with minimal articulation. But it has its charms one way or another :3 very simple build, you don't even need a manual :)) This is the hard to find version, you'll usually encounter the regular version, without the MBL... I'm not sure if that has a glossy finish. I did came across it one but didn't buy it. When I saw this, I bought it immediately because you don't see this that too often :D


Box Art:
Here's the side of the box, the other sides doesn't really have much in them.


The pictures are just like the one on the sides of the box. I didn't even need to look at the manual :)) I kept looking at my 1/144 scale of the Hyaku Shiki for reference :))

Very few parts. That means more painting XD For the foil stickers, I only used the eyes, forehead camera, the mega bazooka launcher scope and the symbols on the shoulders. 

Zoom in on the gold runner. It's pretty nice! not the glossy one, but more of this rough texture. Can you see the parts that needs painting? haha!


Head part:

Very very few parts but very big :)) I used the Eye and forehead camera srickers.  Used a gold gundam marker to cover the scratch marks from my knife and a black gundam marker for lining :D 

Upper Body parts:
Lacks color huh? here's where the painting begins, you excited? It's been a while since I did some building and detailing these tired me out @_@ I was shocked D: hahaha 

This is what I did to the piping and the feet. I applied gold first so the color that I put on top of it will be somewhat metallic :D It's very hard to paint things this small @_@

Here is the completed upper body. I already applied the symbols on the shoulders, it's pretty decent, not obvious that it's a sticker. All the red you see are hand painted :3 I used a fine brush and a toothpick for the small areas. Toothpicks are your best friend when you build SD kits :D It's not seen here but I also colored the lower chest area gold. Although it's not really seen, I still bothered with it. I'm that OC when it comes to detail :))

Lower body parts:
Very simple assembly again and the feet needed painting. So the the feet on the right is the outcome of what I said in the Piping part. Apply something bright first since the feet are dark colored. It will help brighten the color :D

Backpack parts:
There's the piping, already colored in red :D It came out nicely. For the backpack... you can do this no problem even without looking at the manual :)) very simple kit as I said before.


It's like a midget @_@ hahaha still cute though :D As you can see, if I didn't put the other details, it wouldn't be as lively as this :D Tiny details do matter, especially in SD kits :D

Mega Bazooka Launcher:
This was the only time I looked in the manual since my HG 1/144 didn't come with this. Applied some silver to the tip and some gold on the piping :D It's almost the same size as the mobile suit itslef. I remember seeing this in the show, it only had little screen time though :))

Aside from the MBL, you'll get the clay bazooka, the beam rifle and a dull beam saber. They could at least molded the beam saber with the gold parts D: I didn't bother painting it since I'm not gonna use it anyway. I left the other guns as is too since they look fine. 

Honestly, that's the only pose I can think off... It will be redundant with the other guns XD Very limited articulation :/ he look's good this way though :D

With an updated SD, the old RX-78-2 would be the same height as his. Check out his review here:

A modern SD, look how far they've come :D

With a HG 1/144, it's like Hyaku Shiki had a son XD I think I'll get the RX-178 titans too :)) It's a mini me XD

Check out the HG 1/144 Hyaku Shiki review here:

Alright, time to evaluate the kit :D


Detail: 10/10 - Very nice color choices, the gold texture is nice, you don't really need the foil stickers except for the symbols on the shoulders unless you can replicate that. I only did minor painting, mostly the red trims and barely lined it. 

Articulation: 3/10 - It's a very old SD kit, it's pretty much a statue with moving arms. The feet and the "wings" can rotate but what can you do with that XD 

Accessories: 10/10 - The Hyaku Shiki is a suit that doesn't really need much stuff. Inclusion of the MBL is mroe than enough :D Even in the show, he didn't need much, he pretty much fights with brute force most of the time :)) That's Char for you, utilizing a mobile suit to it's best.

Parts: 8/10 - It's all good, most parts are hard and durable, my only concern is the antenna because It might snap in two if you're not careful :)) I gave it an 8 because some parts needed to be red, is it so hard to include a red runner XD I mean, it wouldn't take that much space. Given that it's an old SD, it's forgivable. They could at least molded the beam saber with the gold runner XD Despite being an old SD, you only need to paint a few unlike other SD kits in his time, it's torture to detail @_@

Conclusion: 8/10 - It's a very simple kit with nice accessories. I recommend it if you love the Hyaku Shiki and Char. In this case, I do :)) If you like articulated SD's, go for the new ones. If you love collecting SD's this is a nice find. As I said, it's hard to find, if you come across it, get it :D

There you have it! It's been a while so I might be slow in building :))

In the meantime...

I'll try building the Guncannon and Guntank within the week :D

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