Monday, June 25, 2012

An overdue Gunpla update.

Good evening guys!
First of all, I wanna apologize for not posting for the last few months.
A lot of things happened and I was in the state wherein I don't wanna build gunpla. Good thing I am able overcome that :3

I'm also preparing for my internship in Malaysia. I will leave this July. So, that's when this blog will go down, temporarily of course :3 I'll try to post updates :D
Moving on, I have 4 pending kits right now:

Yes, I still haven't build the Turn X :)) I'm saving that for when I'm able to get better painting supplies. So yeah, I bought these on different dates, just piling them up. Even my Gundam Age is surprised to see that I stocked up on kits @_@

To tell you the truth, I don't usually stock up on kits, I build them right away. They stacked up due to my busy sched during the last few months. The hyaku Shiki was purchased today :3 I just finished building and detailing it, will post the review after this.

Once again, pardon me for the last few dull months of this blog :D Will try building these while I'm still here :))

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