Monday, May 13, 2013

Transformers Review: Reveal The Shield Legends Class Megatron

What's up people?

It's 12:17 am here and I just got back from work.

I'm still wide awake so I decided to post the final part of my RTS figure reviews :D

Here's part 4 of 4. Let's end with the Decepticon leader, Megatron.

For part 1:

For part 2:

For part 3:

Box art:

As usual, simple packaging but the figure itself is very striking. I was surprised that they used his G1 appearance for this class and not the succeeding classes... Kinda weird.

I find it funny how Decepticons have level 2 transformations while autobots are level 1 XD

Back part shows the transformation and his tech specs. Yes, you get his original gun mode.. Such a shame it's ruined by an orange tip.. You can always paint it though haha!

Although the initial releases don't have the orange tip.. I wish I had that one but it's kinda rare. 


I love how menacing he looks. For a small figure, he's really striking. 


It's amazing he really resembles the original G1 appearance. I really wish they didn't stray too far from this design. The animated looks close to this one and so does the Henkei version. I'm planning to get the Henkei version >:D

His gun parts are already molded detail making them really obvious but then again, it's a small figure, what can you do. At least, they did an awesome job with it.

Back side, pretty plain. Has hollow legs but that's to make way for the transformation. 


It's mostly the legs that got my attention. It has a lot of movement! I wish all the legends class in this line had this kind of movement. If Optimus had these joints, he would make one awesome small scale figure. 

Then again, this is for the transformation. 

Kinda sad that his arms are one solid piece making him look blocky. No waist articulation as well and for the head.. it's static, it's only movement is to flip forward to hide itself in gun mode.


Hide the head by flipping it forward. Untab the upper torso form the main body and move it to the left. Straighten the right arm while you're at it.

Lock the upper torso in it's new position by just pushing it down. Straighten the guns tip and flip the left arm towards the body to hide his other hand

From here, just rotate the legs to achieve the handle.

Here's the final output. Looks awesome! I just really wish they didn't do the orange tip thing.. It's kinda pointless... It's America and their gun safety rules. I'm sure they meant well.

You got yourself one tiny gun here and it will obviously look like a toy. I wish there's something to fill the gap near the part where you cock the gun. Look weird with that huge space.


Here's a side by side comparison with the Autobot Leader. They're the same height. I'm not sure but I think Megatrion is supposed to be tad taller.. but meh, I don't mind. They look good side by side. 

I wish Optimus had Megatrons's leg articulation and vice versa. 


Detail: 10/10 - They really did a good job in making this figure. They were able to translate his original mold and transformation to a tiny figure.

Molded details are nice as well, especially in the arms, the marking of a real gun can be seen here. I just wish he had tiny bullets or you can at least flick the trigger or something.

It's nothing major though. Still one of the best figures of Megatron

Painting: 10/10 - I also love the color choices for this guy. Gotta love the shiny gun metal. A little red to break the monotony . The only thing that bothers me is that stupid orange tip XD

If I can't take it anymore, I'm gonna paint over that :))

Transformation: Awesome transformation for a small figure. They could've done the original G1 transformation but it might be too much for a small figure. Besides, this guy's transformation is nicely done. There's just this tiny gap near the part where you cock the gun.

Other than that, everything is good.

Articulation: 10/10 - His legs make up for everything. The arms can move a ways but they still look blocky to me. No waist articulation but that's ok. The legs really saved this guy haha.

Conclusion: 10/10 - Over excellent figure. The fact that it turns into a gun makes it really awesome. It's must buy for transformers collectors especially if you love the G1 series. This one is a great representation of G1 megatron.

I love guns and robots.. This guy has both of those characteristics making him an awesome figure.

So there you have it guys, my 4 part RTS figures is finally done. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted haha.

I'm already planning what Transformers to get next... I'm sticking to G1 for now.. The other series is tempting me because their designs are getting to me XD

Anyway, stay tuned for upcoming review :D

Oh yeah, when I'm bored, I think of crazy stuff for my figures.

Here's an example:

Can you guess what they're spelling?

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