Monday, July 02, 2012

Gundam review: HGUC RX-75 Guntank

Good afternoon guys!

I present to you the HGUC RX-75 Guntank. You could say that this is technically the "father" of gundams. He was the basis for pretty much everything. Most of the suits evolved from him :D

It's kinda weak, but it has a nice range though provided that it destroys the target before it reaches him :)) Anyway, this kit surprised me in a lot of ways. Let's get to the review shall we?

Box art:
Very simple but it gives you that militaristic look :D I also included the tools I'm gonna use for the build.

The usual HGUC manual, very straightforward, no flashy backgrounds. Complete statistics and whatnot.


Believe it or not, this kit doesn't have stickers. All the parts are molded in color! Except for the pilot though hahaha Included also is a nice clear blue part! C'mon bandai, the Gundam 00 HG line could have used a lot of the clear colored parts. Only a few parts, you can build this in an hour, if you disregard the detailing :))


Wheel assembly:

It look's like I'm building an actual tank :D I've always wanna try building one of those but they're expensive and requires more detailing :/

Wheel assembly part 2:

Continuation for the lower area of the tank. It's nice that the threads are pre-assembled. It would be a pain to cut each one and then connect them. That's the case for the MG scale so good luck with that :)) They have a rubbery feel them, somewhat similar to the polycaps. Too bad the wheels don't rotate like an actual tank would. Did a bit of panel lining, it's not visible much though.

Lower torso:

Isn't it nice that all the parts are molded in their corresponding colors? You just need to do a bit panel lining :D Funny story, I almost lost one of the tiny yellow parts. Didn't notice it until I was about to attach them. I almost gave up in looking but I found it after pretty much turning my area upside-down :)) I found it inside the trashcan @_@ Thank God I looked in there :)) Word of the wise: Always be cautious cautious on what you're doing.

Arm parts:

Somewhat similar to the Guncannon's arm assembly. Very monotonous in color that's why add some panel lining to add mroe details :D Very solid parts, decent bends.

Head part:

Very nice color separation. I wish the pilot was not molded in though, so I can paint it properly XD I just got lucky that it turned out nicely :)) 

Main torso:

Another straightforward assembly. Always panel line if needed, it really adds more life into it. So there's the complete body. Time for the accessories. 


It's not much.. It's a tank, what do you expect :)) Again, do some panel lining.


Well.... Can't really pose a tank :)) You can see the evolution of the RX series on the first pic :D Yes, you can do the infamous body swap of the gundam and guntank. I find it quite amusing :)) Once again the White base team is bullying Char :)) 

Now that we have seen what this kit can do, let's do the review.


Details: 10/10 - No sticker's needed, everything is molded in color. You just need to a little bit of panel lining to bring some more life into it :D Might weather it in the future. It's one of those kits that would good once weathered.

Articulation: 3/10 - Cmon, it's a tank, don't expect it to do dynamic poses. The arms have decent rotation and bends to them :D The head can move sideways but that's that. The cannons can only move up and down, what do you expect? haha You can always part swap with the Gundam if you want to give it legs, lol.

Accessories: 10/10 - Well, it doesn't really have much, it's only purpose is to be a support from a long range anyway. You get what you need, don't complain. Again, you can part swap with the Gundam anyway :))

Parts: 10/10 - Aside from the awesome color separation, the parts themselves are very sturdy and stiff. I dropped the head once with the antennas landing first and it barely gave it a dent (thank god XD) Solid body, nice material for the threads. Just make sure you tightly connect the cannons to avoid looseness. 

Conclusion: 8/10 - A kit can't be more simpler than this. I don't own the Ball set, so that might be simpler than this. But, this kit is great for those who are just getting into gunpla. Everything is molded in color, it's up to you on how much details you wanna add to that. Do weathering job to make it more realistic. It's a must buy if you like the original MSG series and if you're UC fan. I got this because I like the series and the UC era. Trust me, is you have the Gundam, Guncannon and Guntank side by side, it's really nice to look at. It's like looking in a history time line :D

There you have it, hope you enjoyed it :D My only pending now is the NG 1/144 Turn X and I still don't feel like building it. Hahaha! right now, I'm looking for MG's that will get my attention, planning to get the Force Impulse. Let's see what get's my eyes.

Oh yeah, I placed my guntank alongside the Gundam and Guncannon.


  1. Replies
    1. Hello! sorry for the late reply. I'm glad you like my review!

  2. Ita 2018 and i just bought mine this is my first MS that has no legs whatsoever, i might get a zaku tank in future
    Peace i like the review

    1. Hey! Sorry for the late reply, glad you like my review! The Zaku Tank is interesting as well!
