Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gundam Review: HGUC RX-77-2 Guncannon

Good afternoon guys!

I present to you the HGUC 1/144 RX-77-2 Guncannon \m/

A brief description of the mobile suit. The Gunacannon is the second prototype design model that stemmed from the earth federation's Project V. The Guntank (I'll build that next :3) was the first one. It was made during the One Year War to counterattack their Zaku's. The Earth Federation sure loved their shoulder cannons, thank god they removed it when the RX-78-2 was made :)) After enough data, they were able to make the RX-78-1, the first real "gundam" prototype to be ever made. The RX-78-2 was made after doing some trials with the prototype. 

Box art:

Very nice box art, simple and old school looking! 


This is way the UC era is my favorite, no need for fancy designs, pure machinery! Most of the pics here is on the box as well that's I didn't bother showing the sides of the box.


I just love the runners color separation. Those yellow trims are very much appreciated, I just wished that they do that often. I'm talking about the infamous "V" sign on some gundam kits. It's hard to paint something that tiny D: Anyway, More parts mean's less painting :D and look, no stickers! Excepts for the eye visor and some clear stickers for the serial number. Oh yeah, you only need to paint three sections in this kit. I'll mention them as we go along the review :D

The white parts needed to be painted gray.. That's the only flaw I see in this kit. Why did they have to make it white D: I didn't bother painting it since I'm not gonna use it anyway. I used a red gundam marker to cover the scratch marks. After applying the marker, I rubbed it with cotton buds that are dipped in alcohol(not so much) it helps blend in the color.

This was an old HG kit, that means, you start with the lower body. Weird, I know @_@ Oh yeah, this kit is very panel line heavy, you'll see in the pics what I mean. I tried to do some weathering as well XD This kit is fairly easy to build. My SD RX-78-2 will show up from time to time in this review :D He insisted that he want's to help me :3 He is my mascot after all :))

Leg parts:

It's been a while since my last HG kit, the last was the HG 1/144 Hyaku Shiki (yes, I have an HG 1/144 scale aside from the SD that I just recently posted. Find it in my blog :D) That being said, I for got how time consuming HG kits are :)) and I was thinking of getting another MG 1/100 @_@ This kit is a nice practice for me to get back to my usual speed and accuracy :D 

There's RX sizing up the legs :D

Waist parts:

That yellow trim is just perfect. I just need to panel line them :D Usually, old kits would have less parts and will depend on painting. I was so surprised that a kit this old has most of it's parts in it's correct color :D RX checking on my progress :D

Head parts:

Even the head has all its parts in its correct color. I was expecting the head to be solid piece. The red trim is nice! More panel lining, and painted the head vulcans yellow. You don't have to do it but it completes the look XD 1 of 3 paintings I did to this kit. RX is going all Shakespeare with the Guncannons head :))

Arm parts:

Seriously, if you don't do any panel lining, this guy will be solid red and Char might get mad because the EFSF are stealing signature his colors :)) Another simple build, just make sure you don't forget the polycaps :D You get 1 open palm, 1 trigger finger hand and 2 uhhh... upward facing hands?

Torso parts:

The chest is very bulky, but really solid. Once again, panel lining will liven it up, trust me :D The second painting I did are those things on the side, those tiny yellow things. I dunno what it is I just saw in the manual that they are yellow so I colored them :))

Main Body completion:

Main body is done! Look at all the paneling lining :D It really adds character and makes it more detailed rather than one solid chunk of red metal. No cannons yet. Is it me or those he look like a chubby kid that would get teased a lot?


 Here are the accessories: starting from the upper left going clockwise, Missile pods, Beam rifle, Cannons and the backpack. 

Rather simple builds, once again, don't forget the polycaps :D It's a pain to separate parts :)) The last painting you need to do is the beam rifles scope. Why can't they squeeze that in in the tiny yellow runner @_@ they always reason that it would cost much. :/

Complete mobile suit:
I was expecting the shoulder cannons to be bulkier :3 So here's the Guncannon compared to an SD(an old SD though, newer SD's will be shoulder height). 


Did a bit of a comparison here. He's the same height as the RX-78, 18m is an average height for a gundam back then. I just need to finish my Guntank to complete the lineup of White Base haha! Right now, they look awesome, what more if I added the Guntank :D

You can see his review here for the RX-78-2:

And the Guntank Here:

Next comparison is with my MG 1/100 Crossbone Gundam X1. Yes, the Crossbone's is one of the smaller suits as the UC era progresses. The Guncannon looks like toy compared to the Crossbone gundam though :3 

You can see his review here:



Very fun to pose :)) Having that kind of head and waist articulation is really nice for posing. For a late 90's kit, it's very poseable! You can easily do his iconic lying down pose. Poor Char being bullied :/ 

Anyway, the shoulder attachments can be mixed and matched, go crazy. I still chose the cannons because they look more aweseome. The joint's are really stiff so don't force them too much. Both arms and knees have good decent bends. I'm running out of space for my kits but I managed to put him beside my Original HGUC 1/144 RX-78-2 :D It would look kiddy beside my HGUC 1/144 RX-78-2 ver G30th :)) He's know standing in my Lead gundam section. Without him there would be no RX-78-2 \m/

Let's summarize what we've seen.


Detail: 10/10 - Detail is spot on, it's accurately the one you see in the show :D Minus the Core fighter but that's not important since it's a small kit to begin with. Besides, you can get that with the HGUC 1/144 RX-78-2. Also, the addition of clear stickers with the serial number is a nice touch. It would really resemble the ones on the show :D

Articulation: 10/10 - Once again another perfect score. As I said, for a late 90's kit, it has a lot of nice articulation points. Most notably the waist. very nice for posing :D It can even do a kneeling pose that the newer kits are having a problem with. 

Accessories: 9/10 - You get everything he uses in the show except for the grenades. The master grade has it. I don't mind, it's a small kit after all so why force it :D The lack of a core fighter doesn't bother me at all. I don't need one since I got one from the RX-78-2. 

Parts: 10/10 - A very solid kit. Most parts are thick and durable. They all have that snap sound when you connect them. Even the polycaps are tight :D Handle with care when moving around, don't force it too much :3 

Conclusion: 10/10 - I'll make this short, it's a must buy.period. Ok, I'll expound that :)) For a very late 90's kit, it was way ahead of its time. the criteria's above prove it. Well, that's my opinion anyways. A nice addition to your collection especially if you love the UC era. I bought him because I want the Original trinity. I still have my Guntank waiting to be built XD Trust me, if you own all three of them  and posing them side by side, it's one awesome sight to look at :D You can make a diorama now :)) You just need the White Base to complete the scene.

Hope you enjoyed my review :D

Oh yeah.. I almost forgot...

Guncannon in the house!

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