Saturday, February 18, 2012

Gundam Review: MG 1/100 Crossbone Gundam X1 Ver. Ka.

First of all, I wanna apologize for the looooooooooooooooooong delay for this post haha! Things got hectic in school thus my sched is pretty much in chaos as well XD

Anyway, let's start the review :D

I present the Crossbone Gundam. For those who don't know, this is from a manga that directly follows the movie Gundam F91 (awesome movie by the way, I just wish they made it into a series.) So, familiar faces will appear. Obviously, this is piloted by Seabook Arno, the same guy who piloted the F91. They took the appearance of pirates since they raid ships and all. Technically this is Gundam F97 haha!!

This kit has 2 versions, the Ver. Ka. (which is this one) and the Full Cloth version. The Full Cloth version is pretty much a more chunkier kit. It has a sh!t load of weapons and a huge armor like cape. So, why not get that? well, it looks like a brick to me. It's hard to pose and a lot of things will tend to fall making it very frustrating XD That's why I decided to get this instead since it's pretty much the original Crossbone gundam :D

The box art:

Side of the box:

Other side of the box:

I find the box art too plain, compared to the Full Cloth version. But it still looks nice :3


For a small kit, it sure has a lot plates @_@ lots of small parts too so be careful :D


very nice front page :D

The colored pages of the manual.

The decal guide... Does it give you a headache?

LET THE BUILDING BEGIN!!!! *builds in warp speed*


Here's the torso :D The symbol is a dry transfer decal. You have 2 of these in case you messed up. If you messed up... get the water slide decals XD I forgot to show the "before" assembly. I was so excited in building XD but the other parts have "before" assembly :D

Take note: If you're gonna get a Ver. Ka. kit, you will need to handle a lot of decals and stickers XD I suggest you do them along the way to lessen your frustration hahaha!! The parts will be detailed in the pictures so don't expect that they will come like that XD

The head:

Here are the head parts. A lot of tiny and thin parts so be careful. Also, you need to paint the red parts on the sides of the head. You may not do it but it's kind of a must to complete the look haha!!

Here's the completed head. The red detail really gives it character :D It's quite easy, use a needle :D

Here's the almost completed upper body :D


Here's arms and shoulders, before and after :D 

Upper body:

Here's a dismembered looking gundam :D


Here's the waist, you have optional parts for the back skirt but I'll show that later.

The very simple side skirts

Here's the completed waist :D

Crossbone: WHERE"S MY LEGS?!

Crossbone: It doesn't matter!! I still have 2 arms!!

*If char failed with the Zeong, no one can pull this off XD


The feet :3 another "clown" shoes type haha!

Inner frame of the legs :D

Armor pieces for the leg. 

Crossbone: Weeeee! I gotz one leg nao :3

Main body:

Main suit completed :D

Core fighter:

A lot of tiny pieces again @_@

The boosters, very repetitive building XD

Core fighter completed and detailed :D One of the bizarre looking core fighters XD

Main suit:

Crossbone: COME AT ME BRO!!

*Weapon time*

Pirate gun: 

As you can see it mostly white, you need to detail them yourselves. It's quite easy :D

No Idea what it's called but It really looks like a pirate gun haha! You just need to do some minor detailing :D

The Pirate sword:

Mostly white again. Painting is fun right? hahaha!


As you can see... you get lot of things :))

There's also a hidden knife behind his leg. Very pirate like haha!!

Here's the optional parts you'll get. The chest and back skirts. It's up to you to use them. For the back skirts, the main difference is that you can remove a handle that will act as a whip for the gundam to use. Sorry no pics XD for got :/ but it's not really important XD


The knives also come out of his feet. Very sinister and pirate like haha!! We also have a guest appearance from my MG Aile Strike :D 

It's a knife battle :D who will win?

One of the bad ass poses I made XD

You can combine the gun and sword to make an even bigger gun XD

One of my favorite weapons. He can use his front skirts as grappling hooks :D He's already positioned for the punch!

He also has the open mask feature. 

He also comes with 2 beam sabers :D you can store the handles in his shoulders

The reason why He's called "Crossbone"

How I posed him in my desk :D Looks very bad ass \m/ I know I messed up the cape @_@ It looks better here compared to how it looks like now @_@ I won't show it, it's too damaged haha!!


Detail: 8/10 Everything is awesome except for the weapons, most of it was white you need to do some painting. Same goes for the face, but it's pretty manageable. Aside from that, everything is very smooth and it really captures the look. You barely need to do panel lining, and most of the seals are decent enough.

Articulation: 10/10 For it's size, it very articulate, even the boosters are articulate haha!! It's pretty much the same as the Gundam F91 in every aspect. 

Accessories: 10/10 The reason why I bought this is because of the accessories it comes with. A lot of weapons and a CAPE!! yeah, the cape is the selling point for me haha!! Oh yeah!! you can use the Laffressia stand from Gundam F91 as well. Crossbone has a similar connecting piece.

Parts: 10/10 All the parts are stiff and I don't really feel the "looseness" everyone is talking about. Aside for the arms, the Pirate sword can be heavy so you need to position it in the right angle or else the joint at the elbow will rotated because of the swords weight. Everything is very detailed, even the tiny skull in the forehead is detailed. The inner frames are nice as well and the underside of the armor have details as well.

Conclusion: 10/10 It's a must buy!! If you love pirates and gundams LOL!! But that's not the reason why I bought it. I bought it because it's the successor of the Gundam F91 and because it's a lead gundam haha!! For a cheap price, you'll get a lot of accessories. If you have the extra money, gor for the full cloth instead but I warn you... it's a brick XD and you need to do a lot of painting too haha!!

LOOK!! it's Seabook! haha!! he looks like a ghost @_@