Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Gundam Review: NG 1/144 XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe

Good Morning Everyone!

It's raining non stop here and It's the 1st of November, a day for our departed loved ones. A day where we honor the fallen and to remember the times they are with us.

With this in mind, I decided to make a review about a Gundam that revolves around the concept of death.

But I don't want to be too dramatic about it. 

Piloted by Duo Maxwell, the total opposite of Heero Yuy because he's very loud and eccentric. The Gundam that gives you a date with your maker if seen because you won't live to tell the tale, Gundam Deathscythe!

This will be a simple review since it's really close to the Heavyarms in terms of assembly and poseability.


 Just like the my two previous reviews in this line, it still follows the same style. 

If you wanna check out Wing Gundam click here:

For Gundam Heavyarms click here:


Same with Heavyarms, it has the same number of runners and the color separation is pretty simple and uses a lot of stickers.


Just like every kit in this line, it's pretty easy to assemble but painting will be a lot. This is actually the first kit I got ever since I got back into the hobby in 2011.

The kit comes in dark navy blue which I find very weird because I know he's suppose to be darker from what I remember in the show.

So, old me, not knowing a thing about painting model kits, I immediately grabbed my poster colors and painted right away. I know right? what a noob. hahaha!

But it came out ok I guess, I kept it like that to remind me of my beginnings. Also, the stickers were a huge pain to use. The shield crest, the shoulder lining, the chin, front skirts and red V on the crotch are all suppose to be stickers but they don't really stay too much so I painted them.

Since I used poster colors, it looks rough but somehow added an effect to the shield. First time I used a gundam marker also, you can tell the sloppy work haha!


 As I said, pardon my 2011 painting skills hahaha! but it has charms. The V-fin and vents are plain plastic. I know, I forgot the white part in the feet and the forehead camera.. but I'm fine with it.

The beam effects come in white so I painted that with water color LOL! hahaha I really have no idea with painting kits before. You also get a stored version of the Scythe. Honestly, a Gundam with a scythe? How can you not like that! He's actually my second fave next to Heavyarms.


Pretty close with Heavyarms since he's mostly grounded and those boosters doesn't really make him fly long distances but more on dashing fast to slice enemies.

It's quite limited because of how the kit was designed, mostly ball joints and pegs so it's gonna be very basic but you can still pull of decent poses if you have a stand and some imagination.

The scythe is long enough to be dual wielded and it's soft to look like he's bending it like he does in the show when he winds up a huge slash attack. You can also move vertically to it would look like a spear.

The shield has a gear system where one pointy bit will make the other side automatically move to open it. The beam effect can be clipped on to the shields opening.

I wished the waist and shoulders had more movements other than rotation so he can do the scythe wind up pose better.


Just like any Wing kit, they're small. but they're designs make up for it. Here he is with the 90's kids with Gramps for height comparions.

Only HGUC RX-78-2 has review for now:


Deatails 10/10:

Deathscythe has simple design. The grim reaper doesn't need bright colors because he needs to be stealthy after all. It's nice that the shield parts are molded and raised so you can paint them easily. The kit also has a decent amount of lining mostly on the legs.

Beam effects have nice molded detail to them to simulate beam flowing movement.

Articulation 7/10:

It's enough for basic poses but I just wished that upper body had more points of articulation so he can do his scythe attacks properly. With his current range, he looks stiff in some poses and doesn't justify a decent scythe wielding pose. 

It's an old kit but it still holds up pretty well after how many years.

Accessories 10/10:

Wing kits doesn't have a lot of gimmicks so Bandai shouldn't hold back in this department. Most of them only has a shield and one weapon and then some built in armaments.

In Deathscythes case, you only need hes Scythe and Shield to complete his look. The shield assembly is amazing for a 90's kit, that kind of engineering makes this kit worth buying. 

The scythe can also move in different angles and they also give you a stored version of the scythe! If this was a HG, maybe they'd include a stand for the shield when it flys towards an enemy.

Accesorries makes of breaks a kit's experience. If it doesn't have the right accessories to support it, it's kinda boring and might frustrate you because you can do his signature poses.

Parts 7/10:

First of all, the main body is in a very far shade from the original artwork. Second, lot's of stickers. Set that aside, the next thing you need to worry about is seam lines. Lots and lots of seam lines.

Molded details are nice so painting will be easy even for a beginner *cough* 2011 me *cough* 

Body assembly is mostly pegs and ball joints so articulation really decreases the poseability potential. It's nice they gave you sheathed and unsheathed scythe for posing options.

The shield assembly is also unique, I don't see that often anymore. The backpack looks very accurate to the show, I always thought those were reverse thrusters but it rather emits a sonic wave to help him become hidden from radars. 

It's nice that the vents are separate pieces. There were only three runners so they probably squeezed everything in this kit to maximize the price. 

Conclusion 8/10:

Just like with the other Wing kits, this is easy to assemble but painting will be your enemy. It's also a sticker heavy kit so learn to paint even if it's just the basics and any straight build kit would look amazing!

Again, this guy is my second favorite in the Wing series so I had to get him. His overall appearance is enough to get anyones attention. A robot with a scythe? why not :D

You get the necessary accessories to do some basic poses, all that's left is your imagination.

A good old school kit that really shows how simple things are back in the day but they won't disappoint and can easily match recent FG and NG kits. 

It's a NG 1/144 kit but it has nice articulation, what else would you want?

So there you have it, I hope you enjoyed the simple review and I offer my prayers as well to your departed loved ones. 

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