Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sneak peek review: Revoltech Eva evolution unit 03

Morning guys!!

I just bought him today after paying for my application for TESDA NCII test (it's a culinary thing...)
I remembered that the warehouse of my favorite hobby store will be on the way so I decided to drop by.

 I was curious as well on how the warehouse looked liked. I was freakin' big @_@ Racks filled with toys and figures everywhere!!! It was like nirvana for me hahaha!!

Of course I checked their gundams first but nothing really gets my attention so I went straight to the revoltech area... DAMN!! It's paradise hahaha!! I haven't seen that many boxes in my life @_@

anyway.... This grabbed my attention:

I bought it immediately without thinking it over hahaha!! and because they don't have Unit-01 available :p 

But still.... this is one of my fave eva's because of how creepy and eerie it looks :D *yay for 4 arms* hahaha!!

I love creepy things :D

anyway.... I'll try to post the review within the day :D

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