Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Revoltech Yamaguchi review: Evangelion Evolution unit-03/Bardiel

Didn't expect it to post it today XD

Anywaaaay.... If you read the previous post, you'll know that I bought this today from the warehouse of my favorite hobby store. It was the only thing that really got my attention (aside from the Vash the Stampede revoltech but I'll get that next time.)

Info about the series:

Evangelion is one of the series that's already synonymous to the word "anime" it's one of the old school animes that up to know is still recognized by a lot of people. Thanks to the remakes after all.

It is one of my favorite anime shows. It's a classic already, it's awesomeness is at par with Gundam. A lot of people would wanna see which would be stronger. An EVA or a Gundam. If you ask me... It depends on the pilot. 

Evangelion is a very mature anime because of all the gore and nudity. When you first see it, the pictures are not enough to describe what kind of show it is, you need to watch it to fully absorb the concept. The show is famous and infamous at the same time. Famous because of how amazing the story is and infamous because of the original ending for the show. If you watched the original series up to the last episode... You will be mindf*cked... This angered a lot of fans because the writers pretty much turned it into crap fest.... They ruined a perfectly amazing show.

Thank god they decided to re-do the last two episodes and pretty much summed it up properly. Although the show got a proper ending, the fans are still perplexed on what the hell happened. The writers then decided to restart, making a project called "Rebuild of Evangelion". This time, the show is in HD and a lot of scenes were changed as well the plot. 

This is Bardiel, the 13th angel to appear. I dunno what his real face is since he possed Unit-03, poor Toji, who would've thought that an angel can posses an EVA. Good thing he survived ;D Anyway, since the EVA was possesed by an angel NERV was forced to restrain it and destroy it. If you wanna know more, watch the anime :D

Enough history lesson, let's go to the review :D

Box art:

The box is pretty impressive. Very eye catching

The box is book style. More info on the opening flap. Very nice.

Read the warning guys, it's not a toy :p hahaha!!


You'll get the usual advertisements and the display base is taped at the back as usual.

Close up on the main goodies:

Yeah, a lot of accessories to play with :D Lots plastic too, they're inserted in the torso area. The neck of the EVA is also secured by those twisting things (dunno what's it called) So yeah, it's very well protected :D You get those red swiping effect parts, that's for Unit-01. You will also get the standard umbilical cord, an extra head (the mouth opens), a revoltech coin and the shoulder guards.

Let's look at the accessories:

A lot of hands meaning a lot of posing options :D Darn those extending arms, the holes are so tight, I can't remove the revoltech joint that's why I'm posing him with that. Good thing I only attached the left arm. 
*Update: I have successfully removed the joint thanks to my house pliers hahaha!! don't squeeze too much though or else you might damage the part.

The extra EVA:

I was surprised they included something like this. It's a portion of Unit-01's upper body and a dust cloud. It's to replicate the scene when Bardiel pinned down Unit-01. Despite it being an accessory, it had a gimmick wherein you tilt the head and the eyes will change color. *props for realism*

You will also get Unit-03's pod and it fit's perfectly into Unit-01's mouth. It also has bite marks :D

Unit-03's extra head:

You will also get an extra head for Unit-03, the default one doesn't open. I also like the eye changing gimmick!! *props again for realism* For the pilot's pod, you can also switch that with the original cover if you don't like the goo hahaha!

Unit-03 Normal version:

Here's Unit-03 before being possessed. I really love the color scheme, very dark and grim. You will get  the shoulder guards as an optional part for the angel arms. very glossy :3

Time for some posing \m/

Here's Unit-03, possessed by Bardiel. I call this "The Exrocist walk", it's very creepy XD Especially in the show, just add breaking bone sounds, you got the ghost from The Grudge :D Very articulate and pose-able.

Here comes the angel arms. That's actually the main selling point of this guy. It worked on me hahaha!! I really love those extra arms, just be careful when moving them, don't force them too much since the revoltech joints are small. I remove them whenever I reposition them. Those are the only hands for the extra arms. They also have elbow joints.

My favorite pose. The angel arms just resting but still looking really creepy.

This is the first thing you would try to replicate hahaha!! it looks awesome @_@ You can also put Bardiel and have Unit-01 attacking him (that's if you have Unit-01) *props again for realism*

The display base that comes with EVA's are taller because it has an extension part. 

This is his current pose in my desk :3 It's really eye catching hahaha!! it creeped out my sister :3


Articulation: 10/10 - Very damn pose-able, lots of posing options, you can literally make him look like he's possessed since you can pretty much bend the joints anywhere. Also, this newer EVA's have a rotating hip mechanism making the legs easy to change direction unlike the older revoltechs that only have one joint in the thigh. The arms are also very articulate and easy to maneuver. 

Parts: 9/10 - Why not perfect? Well... it's because of the extending arms, their holes are too tight and the revoltech joints are impossible to remove unless you have revoltechs pliers (in this case, I used ordinary pliers, don't squeeze too much though) and setting that aside. Everthing is sturdy, I'm just worried with the joints of the angel arms because of how small they are. Some parts of the stomach are rubbery thus flexible :D

Accessories: 10/10 - You pretty much get everything you saw Unit-03/Bardiel with in the show. Lot's of hand's, extra arms, a ton of optional parts and the Unit-01 and dust cloud is a big thumbs up. Although they could have included some blood effect parts but that's just pushing it XD

Detail: 10/10 - Very very very well detailed. It's like he jumped out of the HD version of the show hahaha!! very glossy too. Painting was excellent. Especially the head area, for something so small, it's very detailed especially the eyes. Props to Sir Yamaguchi for the awesome sculp.

Verdict: 10/10 - come one, with all that positive notes, how can this not get a perfect score? hahaha!! Props to Revoltech for outdoing the previous models. A really big step from the previous EVA line. If you love the show, you will definitely love this figure. New to the show? you will still love this. Lot's poseability and very fun to use for toy photography :D

If ever you decided to watch the series, just condition your mind and stomach. A lot of brainwashing and gore hahaha!! Enjoy :3

This is the most bad-ass and hardest pose you can do :D

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